Today as I look at the picture I have that same feeling of worry and fear, because I now imagine that those children are my own two boys walking across that unstable bridge without me or my husband there to help them across. I can't imagine that they would ever be in this particular situation, but I know that there will be times when when mommy or daddy won't be there to tell them what to do or to pick them up when they fall. It's a thought that brings me to my knees, because it makes me realize that only God is the One who will always be there for my kids. He alone knows what they need at all times. He is the One who will see them through every trial and every fear. He is the One who can send a host of angels to come to their aid at a moment's notice.
I recently read this verse about angels in the first chapter of Hebrews verse 14. "Are they not all ministering spirits, sent out to render service for the sake of those who will inherit salvation?" This particular verse says that angels are "ministering spirits." To minister means "to serve," and comes partly from the Greek word "ergon" which means "to work." I think of ergonomics which is the study of efficiency in a working environment. Angels are also "spirits" which means they are (typically) not visible, they are like a breath or a wind. You can see their power or their works, but they are immaterial. Of course there are cases when people are able to see angles and even talk with them documented in the Bible, but I'm not sure how all that works.
So these invisible workers are sent from God why??? Well the verse says that they are sent to serve those who will "inherit salvation." That's me!!! And I hope that's you too. If you're not sure you if will inherit salvation please stop now and watch the "Ultimate Question" videos. If you are sure of your salvation in Christ, then bask in the fact that God sends His angels out to help YOU! Be thankful that every day, whether we acknowledge them or not, God's servants are helping us, guiding us, and saving us (and our children) from wreckage. And just like those two helpless children in the picture, His angels guide us safely across our broken-down bridges that hang perilously over troubled waters. All for God's glory!
Now, here's a little blast from the past for you Amy Grant fans. "Angel's Watching Over Me" Video
Now, here's a little blast from the past for you Amy Grant fans. "Angel's Watching Over Me" Video
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