"By wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; and by knowledge its rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant treasures." Proverbs 24:3

About Me

Hi, I'm Tennille.  You may know me from my other blog www.hometaughttots.blogspot.com.  Here I am with my husband, Mr. Incredible, and my sons, The Free One (left), and The Anchor (right).  We had just gone snow tubing where I collided with another tuber twice my size resulting in a stiff neck for days.  Maybe that's why my head looks like it's on a little crooked in the picture.  Apparently, The Anchor had just as much fun as I did.  Other than that, I am a christian mom, teacher, wife, homemaker, musician, fair-weathered runner, and drinker of hot beverages.  I chose the title of my blog, "Built By Wisdom," because that is how I truly desire to build up my life, my family, my home, and my relationships.  Jesus is everything to me.  If you want to know more about Him or the Bible, e-mail me, I'd love to introduce you to Him.  Otherwise, make yourself at home and let me know you stopped by.